Official Languages Act passed (fwd link)

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Tue Jun 10 07:00:57 UTC 2008

Official Languages Act passed

Yumimi Pang
Northern News Services
Published Monday, June 9, 2008

IQALUIT - A new Official Languages Act was passed in the Nunavut legislative
assembly last week, but some remain concerned about the fate of the Inuit

While Bill 6, the Official Languages Act, lists Inuktitut and Innuinaqtun
alongside French as English as Nunavut's official languages, James Eetoolook,
first vice-president of Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., had hoped that it would have
been read alongside Bill 7, the Inuit Language Protection Act.

"It was our preference that the Official Languages Act would not be passed
without the Inuit Language Protection Act because the Official Language Act
alone would have limited protection and advancement of the Inuit languages,"
said Eetoolook.

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