Fw: [ILAT] shoebox/toolbox fonts

s.t. bischoff bischoff.st at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jun 17 13:46:11 UTC 2008

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the note.

"1) Did you install the fonts in the Wine font folder? Toolbox and other
Wine programs can't use the fonts installed in the regular Ubuntu font
Normally the Wine font folder is %home/.wine/fonts folder, or
 %home/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts "

I have the fonts in Wine

"2) Did you specify in the language encoding properties that the language is
Unicode? This is on the "Options" tab of the Language encoding properties. "

Yes, I have selected the UTF8 encoding.

Curiously, the characters appear in toolbox, but when I attempt to
interlinearize, special characters are not recognized and the form/word is
not parsed correctly. Where a special character appears the parse is " * "
for that character, or nothing (see below), and naturally the the rest of he
form is not matched. If I have a form without a special character it parses
just fine.  Something like the following is what I get, assuming the first
line is the line I wish to interlinerize:

sməyíw        ɛcwíš
s+√myw       *cwi
nom+√myw   ***

rather than

sməyíw        ɛcwíš
s+√myw      ʔɛc+√wiš
nom+√myw  cust-√dwell

even though both sməyíw and  ɛcwíš are in the lexicon.

Something else that is curious, when I check the validity of the unicode
characters the response is "No invalid characters found". Further, if I
place my cursor before a word like ɛciwš and right click, the response will
be "ciw not found",  but if I hilite the whole word ɛciwš and right click,
then the lexicon entry appears. Putting the curser before a word like sməyiw
and right clicking will bring up the lexical entry.

I understand that some of the unicode fonts do not work in toolbox with
ubuntu, what I'd like to know is which ones do work?

Thanks again,

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 2:05 PM, <Paul_Lewis at sil.org> wrote:

> Here are some suggestions from SIL / JAARS IT Support...
> ----- Forwarded by Paul Lewis/IntlAdmin/WCT on 06/16/2008 01:03 PM -----
>  *Language Support Jaars/Jaars/WCT*
> 06/16/2008 12:44 PM
>   To
> Paul Lewis/IntlAdmin/WCT at SIL  cc
>  Subject
> Re: [ILAT] shoebox/toolbox fonts
> I have used Toolbox with Wine in Ubuntu, but not with version 8.04.
> 1) Did you install the fonts in the Wine font folder? Toolbox and other
> Wine programs can't use the fonts installed in the regular Ubuntu font
> folder.
> Normally the Wine font folder is %home/.wine/fonts folder, or
>  %home/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts
> 2) Did you specify in the language encoding properties that the language is
> Unicode? This is on the "Options" tab of the Language encoding properties.
> Shoebox will not work with Unicode fonts. It was written before Unicode
> became widespread. You can install Toolbox in  XP, which should handle
> Unicode fonts
> Steve White, International Computer Support - JAARS
> Language_Support_JAARS at sil.org
> 704 843-6337, 1-800-215-7813
> Skype: JAARS-1, JAARS-2, JAARS-3, JAARS-4 extension 6337
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