questions for Native American Linguists

Richard Zane Smith rzs at WILDBLUE.NET
Wed Mar 12 03:01:37 UTC 2008

Hello  all

The questions below put together by Robert Francis, a friend of mine.

they are specificly geared for Native American linguists,

who are active in our language revitalization efforts.

 he would really appreciate reading our responses


Richard Zane Smith



*Robert Francis, consultant/helper*

*Mid American Indian Fellowships*

*RR 3  Box 194A*

*Butler, MO 64730  USA*

*(660) 679-4014*

*maif77 at*

My name is Robert Francis.  I am Chickamaugan Cherokee (White River Band)
from western Missouri.  I am consultant/helper for Mid American Indian
Fellowships, a network of American Indian spiritual groups in Missouri,
Kansas and Arkansas.  Our major focus is on decolonization and cultural

During these past few years, I have been writing articles on what I see as
the essential and interworking or enmeshed aspects of indigenous cultures.  I
have written on the importance of oral tradition and ceremony.  I am in
process of writing an article on the importance of indigenous
agriculture.  After
this, I want to write an article about the importance of language to
indigenous culture.

It would be a great help to me if you would look over the following
questions.  Answer any of the questions or all of them as you choose.  Then,
just in case I have not asked the right questions, please consider sharing
with me any additional information you think might be helpful.  You may send
the completed questionnaire back to me at the e-mail address above.  Wa-do
(Thank you).

*Questions for Linguists:*

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*Please introduce yourself:  Your name, your people, where you live, etc.*

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*Why are indigenous languages important?*

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*What effects have Christian missions, Bible translators, etc. had on
indigenous languages?  Examples would be very helpful here.  *

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*What effects have Islamic missions had on indigenous languages?*

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*Can dead languages be restored as living languages?  If so, how is this
accomplished?  Are there examples of success?*

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*Could an indigenous culture be fully restored without language restoration?
If not, why not?*

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*Here is a question I have been asked:  "Shouldn't indigenous people be
encouraged to focus only on the dominant language, so their people might
adjust and advance?"  If you disagree with this, please explain why.*

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*Are there some languages (such as modern English) that could be described
as products of colonization?  If so, in what ways do such languages differ
from indigenous languages?*
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