'Dreamtime' over in Aboriginal studies (fwd link)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue May 13 16:20:37 UTC 2008

'Dreamtime' over in Aboriginal studies

Justine Ferrari and Lauren Wilson | May 12, 2008

DREAMTIME is no longer an acceptable term to describe the collection of
Aboriginal creation stories, and should be referred to as The Dreaming or The

And the structure of traditional Aboriginal society should not be described as
primitive - but as complex and diverse, and the term "native" should be
replaced by "indigenous groups" or "language groups".

Advice for teaching indigenous students, which has been prepared by the West
Australian and South Australian education departments, contains lists of
appropriate words to describe Aboriginal people and culture.

The West Australian document, part of its Aboriginal Perspectives Across the
Curriculum project, contains the headings "less appropriate terminology" and
"more appropriate terminology", and sets out unsuitable words and their

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