Digitial recorder: Olympus LS-10

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Oct 14 18:15:09 UTC 2008


I recently attended the Oklahoma Native Language Association (ONLA) conference
in Preston, OK last week.  One the presenters, a media specialist, gave a demo
of the new Olympus LS-10, a rather small hand-held professional digital
recorder.  Based on the "live" recording we did, this digital recorder produced
a high quality, clean, clear audio sample using the dual stereo internal
microphones.  Also, it was fairly easy to transfer the .wav file to a computer
for editing/playback.  In other words, this digital recorder is easy to use! 
So, I was/am greatly impressed and hope to get one soon!  The only draw back is
if you want to use an external professional mic, you will need an adapter since
it only uses a mini-plug jack.  Overall, it may be just the kind of versatile
gadget you could use for your own language field work.

Take a look:

If you know something about this gadget, feel free to join in on this



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