Learning in their own language (fwd link)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Mon Sep 15 19:36:17 UTC 2008

Last updated at 10:51 AM on 15/09/08

Learning in their own language
New type of kindergarten for Sheshatshiu

The Labradorian

The Staff at Peenamin MacKenzie School are working hard this year to have kids
learning in their own language.

This year, for the first year, kindergarten is being carried out in Innu Aimun-
the first language of the community.

Principal Bud Davis said he is very excited about the program. He regrets that
it can't be offered in higher grades but they don't have the staffing or the
resources at this point.

"This is an Innu school in an Innu community for Innu kids and we're hoping to
identify and recruit more Innu speakers who want to work in the school," he

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