Native Resolution (fwd link)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Jan 13 17:30:55 UTC 2009

This is an interesting article.  I recommend it as a read since it appears to
be written from an industry perspective (rather than it trying to sell you
something).  It describes and gives several links to the most current work
being done to create native content in virtual environments.  
Quoting phil cash cash :

> Native Resolution
> by Chris LaVigne, 13 Jan 2009 6:03 am
> At first glance, Don Thornton's virtual world looks like many others. 
> It's when
> you listen that you notice the big difference: All of the characters speak
> Cherokee, and if you want to succeed in this world, you have to learn 
> to speak
> the language, too.
> To create this unique program, Thornton combined his background in native
> language education with a technology developed to teach Arabic to American
> soldiers in Iraq. Called RezWorld, the game blends a Second Life-style
> presentation with advanced artificial intelligence, speech recognition and
> self-adapting instruction. By immersing Native Americans in their traditional
> languages and customs, Thornton hopes to teach them how to preserve parts of
> their culture in danger of dying out.
> Access full article below:

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