Technology Boost for Hawaiian Language (fwd link)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Mar 18 20:53:29 UTC 2009

Nice article Keola!  It was great to hear more about your work in Hawai'i at
the Lang Documentation conference and in Hilo at the He ‘Olelo Ola: A Living
Hawaiian Language Through Revitalization gathering.
Again both great gatherings.  :)
Quoting phil cash cash :

> Technology Boost for Hawaiian Language
> Written by Sunrise on KGMB9 - sunrise at
> March 17, 2009 07:20 AM
> [media clip]
> The Hawaiian perspective has roots in traditional knowledge, but it 
> is not lost
> in today's technological society.
> "There weren't a lot of computer resources to support the language. It was
> difficult just typing 'okina and kahako," said Keola Donaghy.
> So Keola looked for resources, like Leoki, the first indigenous language
> electronic bulletin board.
> "It was a way for us to exchange emails in Hawaiian," Donaghy said.
> Access full article below:

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