Siksika youth embrace future, while learning words of the pastSiksika youth embrace future, while learning words of the past (fwd link)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Mon Oct 12 22:51:21 UTC 2009

Siksika youth embrace future, while learning words of the past

OCTOBER 11, 2009

Ko, mo, no, po, so to, wo, yo.

Alvine Eagle Speaker stands at the front of her classroom, introducing a group
of teenagers to her language.

The teacher's yardstick taps a pattern on a whiteboard upon which 126 Blackfoot
syllables are scribbled.

Her dark eyes peering from thick-framed glasses, Eagle Speaker surveys the
30-odd students mumbling the Blackfoot fragments.

Kih, mih, nih, pih, sih, tih, wih, yih.

"I want you to say them, don't hum them. You're not bees," Eagle Speaker says,

"You need to figure out what your tongue is doing in your mouth. If you have
gum, swallow it, or it will fall out. If you have dentures, I hope you have

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