New Zoom H1 coming

Claire Bowern clairebowern at GMAIL.COM
Mon Aug 30 02:25:28 UTC 2010

Terry, did you try explaining about the quality issue to the elders?
Something a bit similar came up with me when I first started doing
oral history (my recorder was much smaller than the one that the
elders were used to, and was a shiny green metallic thing minidisc
recorder). We talked about how it did the same job as the others, just
with a clearer recording, then we had a cuppa and talked about
something else for a bit, and when the next story came up and I got
the ok to record I just stuck my notebook over the unit (I used an
external mic). After half an hour or so it wasn't a problem. It
actually came up a few months later when one of the elders who I'd
worked a lot with took me to see someone else, and she explained the
project something along the lines of "this langwijmijij is going to
ask a lot of silly questions but just tell her about the old days, and
she'll be writing things and putting it on tape with a thing that
looks like an alien, but it's ok."

Claire Bowern
Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics
Yale University
370 Temple St
New Haven, CT 06511
North American Dialects survey:

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