Soaking up some Ojibwa (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Dec 15 17:19:36 UTC 2010

Soaking up some Ojibwa

For kids in six city elementary schools, it's becoming their second language

By: Nick Martin
Posted: 15/12/2010 1:00 AM

Well yes, linguist and artist Ricky Henderson acknowledges, mouse is a
much easier word to pronounce than waabigozhiish.

And Ricky can pronounce waabigozhiish just fine, thank you very much.

Ricky, a nine-year-old Grade 4 student at Strathcona School, was being
totally cool about all the notepads, microphones and cameras invading
his classroom Tuesday as he drew a mouse and wrote a description as
part of his Ojibwa language class.

Moments earlier, Rocky was up at the board, leading the rest of the
class through the calendar in Ojibwa.

Strathcona is one of half a dozen elementary schools in Winnipeg
School Division in which kids are in their second year of taking an
hour of Ojibwa each day for part of the school year.

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