Incan Descendants Gather to Celebrate Modern Scripture Translation (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Mon Mar 22 22:04:41 UTC 2010

Incan Descendants Gather to Celebrate Modern Scripture Translation
Quichua pastors crowd into a village church in Ecuador's Andean
highlands to receive Biblica's Quichua New Testament

Contact: Lynn Waalkes, Biblica, 719-867-2626

COLORADO SPRINGS, March 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- Framed by
20,545-foot Mt. Chimborazo, the village of Colta is home to the
Quichua, one of the oldest indigenous people groups of the Americas.
On Sunday, February 28, 2010, approximately 300 Quichua pastors, local
dignitaries, and villagers celebrated the launch of Biblica's Quichua
New Testament. The event was held in the first evangelical Quichua
church, built in 1958.

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