Natives seek to save mother tongue (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Sat Jan 8 22:23:51 UTC 2011

Natives seek to save mother tongue

Last Updated: January 8, 2011 6:54am

CALGARY - Emil Starlight can explain select phrases in Tsuu T'ina but
he's not able to fluently speak the language of his nation.

He's not among the remaining 50 people who understand and can fluently
communicate in the language many fear is bound to die if not
immediately salvaged.

Sadly the language is on the verge of an unfortunate demise, said
Starlight, who decided more than a year ago to take on the arduous
task of learning it.

"The only reason it's difficult is that English is our first language,
so we're stuck on those rails," he said.

"You have to think outside of that in order to learn Tsuu T'ina," said

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