Fwd: 10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Fri Jun 10 21:09:57 UTC 2011


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From: Lois kane <lkane at rsic.org>
Date: Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 1:33 PM
Subject: 10th Annual Great Basin Languages Conference

How Mu, Meme Haganee, Hungamaheshee, Great Basin Greetings to all!

Attached are the flier and registration forms for the 10th Annual Great
Basin Languages Conference.   The Reno-Sparks Indian Colony will host this
year’s conference.  We invite you to join us at John Ascuaga’s Nugget in
Sparks, Nevada for our 10th annual languages conference, scheduled for
October 7-9, 2011.  It is our hope that your language/culture programs are
in operation and running smoothly.    In hosting this event, it is our goal
to provide education and networking opportunities to benefit all who work in
the language preservation and revitalization field.

We are searching for workshop presenters who are willing to share their
successes with others.  Perhaps you have a teaching methods that is bringing
students to class or your program is trying some creative community based
programming or creating culturally relevant lessons.  Those who work in this
field are always looking for new ideas.  If you would like to be a workshop
presenter, please fill out the attached presenter’s form.  We look forward
to hearing from you.

It will definitely be good to see all of your smiling faces again.

Please pass this information on to whomever you feel would benefit from our
conference.  October 7-9 Mu Poonedua!

Lois Kane

Language/Culture Coordinator
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
Mailing Address:  98 Colony Rd
Physical Address:  401 Golden Lane
Reno NV 89502
(775) 329-8396

"It is important that we speak the language(s) given to our people thousands
of years ago by the Creator and pass the language(s) on to all of our
relatives and our future generations.  Each of us are responsible to each
other for the survival of our language(s), for it is through our language(s)
that we will learn the spirit and values of who we are and the cultural ways
of our people.  Speak your language.  Know your culture, traditions, and
ceremonies.  Stay strong and proud forever!" Numu Yadooana, Newe Daigwa,
Washiw Itlu Gagayay!
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