Native languages may defeat truancy (fwd link)

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Mon May 23 16:23:27 UTC 2011

Native languages may defeat truancy

Alexandra Smith State Politics
May 23, 2011

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Victor Dominello believes teaching
native Aboriginal languages may defeat truancy. Photo: Adam

WITHIN weeks of being sworn in as the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs,
Victor Dominello travelled to the poorest and most desperate areas of
NSW to speak to Aboriginal communities about how they wanted their
lives to change.

Mr Dominello directed his department to investigate whether teaching
local languages could be the answer to woeful school attendance rates
in Aboriginal communities.

''I wanted to see for myself first-hand what was going on [and] some
themes kept coming through … and one that kept coming through was
cultural and linguist empowerment,'' Mr Dominello said.

''I went to a lot of the remote areas, and they want their kids to
have a greater sense of self. That happens ideally through the school
system, where kids are taught more about their indigenous language or
their cultural history.''

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