Action needed to save Inuit language in Nunavut: NTI (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Oct 12 19:51:16 UTC 2011

NEWS: Nunavut October 12, 2011 - 2:06 pm

Action needed to save Inuit language in Nunavut: NTI

"Unless the language is seen as socially affirming... English will
continue to overshadow Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun"


Getting Inuit youth and their families to embrace the use of Inuktitut
and Innuinaqtun at home is essential for the survival and evolution of
the Inuit language, said Nunavut Tunngavik Inc’s president Cathy
Towtongie as she and vice-president Jack Anawak released NTI’s 2009-10
report on the state of the Inuit culture and society in Iqaluit Oct.

“This report showcases the urgency of the effort required for the
promotion and protection of the Inuit language in Nunavut…,” Towtongie
said at the report’s Iqaluit launch. “Over and over again we have been
told no, or flatly ignored.”

Towtongie urged leaders at all levels of government to take steps
immediately to support the use of the Inuit language within the home
and to encourage the revival and use of Innuinaqtun.

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