2012 AISES Google Scholarship

Keola Donaghy donaghy at HAWAII.EDU
Mon Feb 6 08:08:27 UTC 2012

From a friend at Google:

The 2012 AISES Google Scholarship will fund scholarships awards to American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and people of First Nations from Canada AISES members pursuing degrees in the computer science, computer engineering and related programming fields. The scholarship offers $10,000 USD total award for those studying in the US and $5,000 CAD for those studying in Canada and an all-expenses paid invitation to the 2012 Google Scholars' Retreat held in summer 2012 in Mountain View, CA. The retreat will feature opportunities to network with Googlers and other student scholarship recipients to build a community of peers with similar interests and backgrounds. There will also be workshops and panels to enhance their career development and skill sets. Deadline is February 29, 2012.



Keola Donaghy                                           
Assistant Professor of Hawaiian Studies 
Ka Haka 'Ula O Ke'elikolani             keola at leoki.uhh.hawaii.edu 
University of Hawai'i at Hilo           http://www2.hawaii.edu/~donaghy/

"Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam."  (Irish Gaelic saying)
A country without its language is a country without its soul.

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