Native American Language School Hopes To Save Dying Language (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Thu Feb 16 05:50:52 UTC 2012

Native American Language School Hopes To Save Dying Language

By KFBB News Team
Story Created: Feb 10, 2012 at 8:01 AM MST

In the small town of Harlem, Montana... new life is being breathed into the
dying A'ani language. The White Clay Language Immersion School is at the
forefront of the A'ani revival. once on the verge of extinction, the
historic Native American language is being given a second chance to

Michele Lewis, a parent of a former student says about the revival, "The
concept of learning your own language, gives you a real sense of identity.
it makes you unique not only to the outside world, but unique to yourself."

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