Alutiiq Language on the Mend (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Jan 17 16:40:14 UTC 2012

Alutiiq Language on the Mend		

[media link available]

Jan. 16 2012
Jennifer Canfield/KMXT

With fewer than 150 known fluent speakers, the Alutiiq language is
just one of many indigenous languages worldwide that are in danger of
extinction. However, with the concerted efforts from people like April
Counceller, that won't happen. Counceller is the language manager at
the Alutiiq Museum and the director for a new Alutiiq studies program
at the Kodiak College. Last week the museum was awarded a $40,000
grant to complete a book on the orthography of the Kodiak sub-dialect
of the Alutiiq language, for which only 45 known fluent speakers

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