Parkes Wiradjuri group to feature in ABC documentary (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Jun 19 03:20:02 UTC 2012

Parkes Wiradjuri group to feature in ABC documentary

18 Jun, 2012 09:28 AM

Parkes students are to be featured in an ABC documentary based on the local
indigenous language of the Wiradjuri.

Members of the Parkes Wiradjuri Languages Group welcomed Suzi Taylor from
ABC Open Albury, and Faith Baisden from the Eastern States Aboriginal
languages group, to a special sitting held at the Parkes Public School.

Suzy and Faith were in Parkes to film a documentary and promotional video,
highlighting the exceptional work of groups such as the local Parkes
Wiradjuri team in bringing Aboriginal languages to life within their

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