Northern Cree - Facebook Drama (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Mon Mar 5 22:55:47 UTC 2012

Greetings ILAT,

The blending of cultures has always been most apparent in music
composition. This is especially true for indigenous peoples where song
composition in traditional mediums have often flourished far beyond their
recognition by outsiders or mainstream cultures.  You can get the pulse of
the people simply by going to a local powwow and listening to the new song
compositions that continually come out.  The so-called Round Dance music is
quite unique in this regard as song composers seem to have more creative
freedoms than elsewhere.

So I am quite excited to be able to share with you the following example of
a recent song composition by a group called Northern Cree which describes
the use of social media at the heart of a love relationship (round dance
songs often speak of love won & lost).  Northern Cree is a contemporary
native drum group from Saddle Lake, Alberta, CA.  They are a 6-time Grammy
nominee and among the most celebrated drum groups across the North American
powwow trail.

Northern Cree - Facebook Drama
Off of their new Round Dance CD “Dancerz Groove,” Canyon Records 2012.

Song lyrics (in English):

“I read your status last night.  You posted that someone else was holding
you tight.  You shared it for all our friends to see.  I don't wanna go
through this FACEBOOK drama.  So I pressed DELETE.”

Here is a very brief Intro to Native Round Dance Music

life and language always,

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