Dakota Wicohan

rrlapier at AOL.COM rrlapier at AOL.COM
Thu Sep 13 17:55:44 UTC 2012

So sorry to hear about this. 

If people decide to make a donation, please send MONEY.

Do not send your old laptop, desktop, or even box of crayons.

Technology moves along very fast and it is hard, especially for those of us out in the sticks to get old technology to work with new technology.

Once, we actually got a donation of "computers" -- the very nice church group told us, "once you get some hard drives for those, they work really good." Our school turned into someone's trash dump.

In these types of situations it is best to start NEW. Give money.

Rosalyn LaPier
Piegan Institute



-----Original Message-----
From: Anna Luisa Daigneault <annaluisa at LIVINGTONGUES.ORG>
Sent: Thu, Sep 13, 2012 11:18 am
Subject: Re: [ILAT] Dakota Wicohan

Tammy, I am so sorry to hear that as well!

Phil, those are great sites, and there is another popular crowd-sourcing site called Indiegogo that might work as well:

Tammy, if you set up an online fundraising campaign, I would certainly post the link on the Living Tongues Facebook page so that people can see it and donate through there.

best wishes,
Anna Luisa

Anna Luisa Daigneault, M.Sc
Latin America Projects Coordinator & Organizational Fellow
Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages
Enduring Voices Project

The Yanesha Oral History Archives 
Arr Añño'tena Poeñotenaxhno Yanesha

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Phil Cash Cash <weyiiletpu at gmail.com> wrote:

Tammy, this is very unfortunate news, indeed!  

If I may, I would offer that you "crowd source your cause".  By this I mean, leverage your networks, friends, and the internet to work on your behalf.  This may seem unusual at the outset, but just know that it is not beyond impossibility.  You can google "crowd source your cause" or take a look at the few example sites I came across in doing this.  Does this language program have a Facebook page?  If not, this may be one very key place to start as FB that can have a "crowd source" effect in its own unique way.  Perhaps somebody here on ILAT offer to set up a Facebook page on your behalf!  Now that would be really awesome.    



On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Tammy DeCoteau <tdc.aaia at verizon.net> wrote:

My relatives,

Dakota Wicohan was robbed!  The program is based out of Morton, Minnesota, home of the Lower Sioux Indian Tribe.  According to one of their board members, it is:

This is our non-profit community development organization. We develop language curriculum, master-apprentice learning initiatives, and do youth leadership development.

Stolen from the offices were:

4 Laptops (3 Dell and 1 Sony), overhead projector and speakers.

If anyone can help this non-profit, I am sure it would be appreciated.  Donations are always accepted, but are needed now more than ever.  Let us band together and help them to not only replace the things they lost, but know that others care about them and acknowledge their work on one of our endangered native languages.

Tammy DeCoteau
AAIA Native Language Program

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