Interviews: What Protection Of Traditional Knowledge Means To Indigenous Peoples (fwd link)

Phil Cash Cash weyiiletpu at
Tue Aug 20 21:14:55 UTC 2013

 Interviews: What Protection Of Traditional Knowledge Means To Indigenous
PeoplesPublished on 20 August 2013 @ 5:02 pm

By Catherine Saez <>, Intellectual
Property Watch

World Intellectual Property Organization member states in July concluded
the biennium work of the committee tasked with finding agreement on
international legal tools to prevent misappropriation and misuse of genetic
resources, traditional knowledge and folklore.

Indigenous peoples and local communities are holders of a substantial part
of this knowledge and are demanding that it be protected against
misappropriation but also against its use without their consent.

*Intellectual Property Watch* conducted two interviews with different
indigenous groups attending the 15-24 July WIPO Intergovernmental Committee
on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and
Folklore (IGC) (*IPW*, WIPO, 25 July

The IGC is working on the protection of genetic resources (GR), traditional
knowledge (TK), and traditional cultural expressions (TCEs or folklore)
against misappropriation mainly by commercial interests*. *Other concerns
include knowledge that has been claimed for collection purposes, or
research, or has been used for a long time and is considered part of the
public domain.

Indigenous peoples’ groups have said that the public domain was basically
created at the same time as the concept of intellectual property and their
particular knowledge had been put in that public domain, by default,
without their consent.

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