Bill making 20 Native languages official advances (fwd link)

Phil Cash Cash weyiiletpu at
Fri Feb 21 16:05:23 UTC 2014

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2014

*Bill making 20 Native languages official advances*

Associated Press

JUNEAU — Amid cheers and clapping from spectators in a packed room, the
House Community and Regional Affairs Committee advanced a bill symbolically
making 20 Alaska Native languages official languages of the state along
with English.

“I love to see clapping when a bill passes,” committee co-chair, Rep.
Gabrielle LeDoux, R-Anchorage, said. “I have never seen that before.”

Misty eyes and emotional voices accompanied much of the public testimony.

“There is no one in school to teach us our language,” said Savoogna High
School student Chelsea Miklahook. “Our grandparents taught us our own

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