<br><br>--------<span class="gmail_quote"><br><br></span>Native Voices - Native American Language Materials in the Labriola Center<br><br>Fred interviews Joyce Martin, Acting Curator of the Labriola National<br>American Indian Data Center about a special, new handmade book,
<br>"Cherokee Phoenix, Advent of a Newspaper: the Print Shop of the Cherokee<br>Nation 1828-1834." by Frank Brannon. The book focuses on the technical<br>aspects and history of the newspaper and Cherokee printing. They will
<br>also discuss printed examples of the Cherokee syllabary and other<br>Cherokee materials including language videos, coloring books, bibles,<br>and popular comic books written in Cherokee and English.<br><br>We will also learn about other native language materials, when Native
<br>American Languages began to be written, a project to preserve and<br>provide access to endangered language materials, and a traveling exhibit<br>in the works for spring 2007.<br><br>The entire run of the Cherokee Phoenix is available on microfilm in the
<br>Labriola Center.<br><br>For more information please visit the Labriola National American Indian<br>Data Center on the web at: <a href="http://www.asu.edu/lib/archives/labriola.htm">http://www.asu.edu/lib/archives/labriola.htm
</a><br><br>Host:<br>Fred McIlvain<br><br>Guest:<br>Joyce Martin<br><br>Episode 31<br>Running time: 13:05<br><br>© 2006 Arizona Board of Regents<br><br>--<br>Stuart Glogoff<br>Senior Consultant, Learning Technologies<br>1077 N. Highland Ave., Room 337 CCIT
<br>Tucson, AZ 85721-0073<br>(520) 626-5347 fax 626-8220<br><br>UA Faculty and instructors! Visit my "For Faculty" webpage<br><a href="http://elearn.arizona.edu/stuartg/forfaculty.html">http://elearn.arizona.edu/stuartg/forfaculty.html
</a> for<br>information on faculty websites, instructional blogs, and podcasting.<br><br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>____________________________________________________________<br>Susan D. Penfield, Ph.D.<br><br>Associate Director, Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL)
<br>Department of English (Primary) <br>American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI)<br>Second Language Acquistion &Teaching Ph.D. Program (SLAT)<br>Department of Language,Reading and Culture<br>Department of Linguistics
<br>The Southwest Center (Research)<br> Phone for messages: (520) 621-1836<br><br><br>"Every language is an old-growth forest of the mind, a watershed of thought, an ecosystem of spiritual possibilities." <br>
<br> Wade
Davis...(on a Starbucks cup...)