The US Interagency Arctic Research Committee and the Arctic Research
Commission<br />plan to participate in the National Science Foundation?s
summer scholar<br />program to recruit an undergraduate or graduate student to
work on the topic of<br />Arctic indigenous languages. The National Science
Foundation cooperates with<br />several organizations that sponsor internships
in the Washington, DC area,<br />including the Washington Internship for Native
Students (WINS) at American<br />University. If you would like to be considered
for the Arctic Indigenous<br />Languages opportunity, please contact Fae Korsmo
at the National Science<br />Foundation to let her know (email: <a
href=""></a>, phone: 703-292-7431).
Your<br />application goes directly to WINS; they will accept applications for
placement<br />at NSF this summer through May. Check their website<br /><a"
href="/horde/services/go.php?" /><a
href=""></a> for
details, including eligibility requirements.<br /><br />--<br />Terry
Langendoen<br />Prof Emeritus, Dept of Linguistics, Univ of Arizona, and<br
/>Program Officer, Linguistics Program, Division of Behavioral and Cognitive<br
/>Sciences, and Office of Cyberinfrastructure<br />National Science Foundation,
Arlington VA 22230, USA<br />Phone: +1 (703) 292-5088 Fax: +1 (703) 292-9068
Email:<br /><br /><br /><br />