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<pre wrap="">> I doubt very much that anyone would have a need to modify xfst or
> lexc since they are general purpose tools.
Thanks for your point, Bill. Here's a couple of examples where it's interesting (and sometimes unavoidable) to modify a computer program (even an excellent one, btw):
- embedding a chunk of code that can output HTML out-of-the box (I see a couple of interesting candidate tags that could be use, from the more to the less structured: <html>, <body>, <table>, <pre>);
- embedding a DTD/XML/XSL parser (the sky is the limit).
I don't know xfst enough to say whether it has any of those features already, but:
a) if it does, then one part of Shannon's needs are already met;
b) if it doesn't, then those features would allow xfst to output its results to:
* any Web app (CGI/PHP...) or Web browser (example 1);
* any other application has an "import" function (example 2).
William J Poser a écrit :
<blockquote cite="mid:20080728195425.395B6B2465@lorax.ldc.upenn.edu"
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">there is a fellow working on a non-commercial toolkit that improves on some
of the xfst/lexc stuff. the major difference is simplified notation for
things like reduplication, unification, long distance dependencies, free
morpheme order, etc. The flag system seems a little combersome in the xerox
kit, and this free kit will do away with them entirely. hopefully it will be
available soon, though the xerox kit works remarkably well. Karttunen (one
of the authors) says that "phonology and morphology are solved"...as more
people work with this fst technology we'll see.
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I didn't mean to suggest that the Xerox tools are perfect, but rather
that someone who has a working parser is very unlikely to need to
change anything to make them work for cgi. Certainly one can improve
notation, and of course not everyone has the same ideas as to what
sorts of rules and representations they prefer, so there is room
for variation.