Hi all,<br><br>Some of you may recall that after some discussions on ILAT, I and some students put together a couple of surveys using questions provided by ILAT members regarding language use and technology. We've taken a look at the survey results for the first six months that they have been up collecting data and have posted a summary of, along with, the results <a href="http://users.ipfw.edu/bischofs/ling/langsurvey/ilat_lang_tech_report_Jan_June11.pdf">here</a>. Those with more experience and expertise working with surveys and these issues will surely find a number of "constructive criticisms". Any suggestions on improvement would be welcome, we are considering developing a better survey based on lessons learned and doing a quantitative study. If you might be interested in such a study please contact me. Thanks to all the folks that submitted questions, I apologize if we did not address all them. Also thanks to those that actively helped distribute the surveys and get folks to take them. Finally, thanks to those that looked at earlier versions of the surveys and provided feedback on improving them. This was a great exercise for my students and me. I hope you can find something of interest in the results. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please don't hesitate to contact me. A last note, these results will not be published online or elsewhere or otherwise circulated, they are meant simply for the interest of the listserve members and anyone they wish to share them with. In short, I don't think anyone would really want to cite this data for a number of reasons. The original survey website is still up in English and Spanish and can be accessed <a href="http://users.ipfw.edu/bischofs/ling/langsurvey/survey1home.html">here</a>.<br>
<br>Thanks all,<br>Shannon<br>