<h1 class="entry_title">“Cornerstone of culture” threatened</h1>
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<span class="postDate">March 8, 2012 | </span>
<span class="postCategory"><a href="http://www.mediaglobal.org/category/society-and-culture/" title="View all posts in Society and Culture" rel="category tag">Society and Culture</a> | </span>
<span class="postAuthor">By <a href="http://www.mediaglobal.org/author/alina-mogilyanskaya/" title="Posts by Alina Mogilyanskaya" rel="author">Alina Mogilyanskaya</a></span>
“If your language is lost, what will you say?”</p>
<p>A repeating refrain in the new film, “Languages Lost and Found:
Speaking & Whistling the Mamma Tongue,” this question is posed
directly to the camera – and to the film’s audiences – by speakers of
endangered languages worldwide. Produced and directed by cultural
reporters Iris Brooks and Jon H. Davis, the film was screened at United
Nations headquarters in New York in honor of International Mother
Language Day.</p><p>Access full article below:</p><p><a href="http://www.mediaglobal.org/2012/03/08/cornerstone-of-culture-threatened/">http://www.mediaglobal.org/2012/03/08/cornerstone-of-culture-threatened/</a><br></p>