<font><font face="georgia,serif">Twitter Gets Help from SLU Prof on How to Deal With Indigenous Tweeters<br><br>By Nicholas Phillips Wed., Apr. 11 2012 at 1:50 PM<br>USA<br> <br>If you're one of the five remaining speakers of "Yuchi" -- a near-extinct Native American language in Oklahoma -- your tweets will look insane, even to those within your linguistic group. <br>
<br>That's because whenever you type in the "@" character, which is a part of your alphabet, Twitter will (wrongly) think you're trying to refer to a different user, such as @Joe_Smith. <br><br>This is the kind of programming problem that Twitter is coming across more and more as it tries to make inroads where minority languages hold sway. And it's exactly the kind of problem that a computational linguist such as Professor Kevin Scannell of St. Louis University is equipped to solve. <br>
<br>Access full article below:<br><a href="http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2012/04/twitter_indigenous_language_kevin_scannell_slu.php">http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2012/04/twitter_indigenous_language_kevin_scannell_slu.php</a><br>