June 14, 2012<br><br>Endangered Aramaic Language Taught in Two Villages, Two Sides of War<br><br>The issue of education in Israel and the Palestinian territories is
usually fraught with settlement building, government oppression, and
conflict stricken schoolchildren. Ancient languages seem all but
irrelevant in this political hot zone, where Arabic and Hebrew are
pitted against each other in a media war of their representative
religions. Nevertheless, Aramaic has come to attention because the
endangered language is receiving an educational rebirth in two of the
region’s villages.<br><br>Access full blog article below:<br><a href="http://www.openequalfree.org/endangered-aramaic-language-taught-in-two-villages-two-sides-of-a-war/12582">http://www.openequalfree.org/endangered-aramaic-language-taught-in-two-villages-two-sides-of-a-war/12582</a><br>