Uralic and IE

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Thu Apr 1 14:22:43 UTC 1999

"Glen Gordon" <glengordon01 at hotmail.com> wrote:

>The fact that Hittite which is suppose to precede these sound changes
>does not abound with -p's and -k's is very relevant to Miguel's
>assertions. He might be able to say that Indo-Anatolian *-t becomes a
>later *-H1 and get away with it but if no evidence exists of *-p to *-H3
>as he has stated then this is pure speculation. In terms of Greek and
>evidence for a -k- (which really shouldn't be there in the first place
>if *-k became *-H2 in Centum-Satem)

It *should* be there in gunaikos, because *k isn't final there.
If we assume a regular development:

Nom *gwnaik      > *gwnaiH2
Gen *gwnaik-os   > *gwnaikos

then Greek is regular here.  What would be "irregular" is the
analogical extension of *H2 to the rest of the paradigm outside
of Greek (and in Greek outside of this word).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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