The Neolithic Hypothesis

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Fri Apr 2 20:18:23 UTC 1999

JoatSimeon at wrote:

>>jorna at writes:

>>I would protest! Swedish and Danish, to me, are farther apart than Vedic and
>>Avestan. It's been 30 years since I studied them, but they seemed then like
>>virtually the same language, which no one could say about Swedish and Danish.

>-- exactly.  If we put the earliest Avestan around 1000 BCE or a little
>earlier, and the earliest of the Vedas around 1200-1500 BCE, which seems
>generally accepted...

>... then the date for Indo-Iranian unity would be around 2000 BCE.  At which
>point all the Indo-Iranians were still in Central Asia and points north,

So how does tis contradict my initial statement that Vedic and
Avestan "feel" somewhere in the 500-1500 year range?

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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