: German compounds

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Sun Apr 18 08:14:11 UTC 1999

"Eduard Selleslagh" <edsel at glo.be> wrote:

>Dutch still uses the word 'want' for 'mitten'. 'Glove' is 'handschoen', a
>similar formation as in German.

So Dutch <handschoen> both begins and ends with a
non-etymological segment.  [Final -n is a misanalyzed plural:
<schoe> pl. <schoen> ==> <schoen>, pl. <schoenen>].

>BTW, the stem 'and-' is frequent in toponyms in German and Dutch speaking
>areas, usually to indicate a place opposite something, mostly on the other
>side of a river etc. (Antwerpen,

I vaguely recall there being some folk etymology of Antwerpen
involving the throwing of hands ("hand werpen") by a giant?

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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