H1 and t??

Mag.Hans-Joachim Alscher hans.alscher at noel.gv.at
Wed Apr 21 07:21:04 UTC 1999

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal schrieb:

> "Glen Gordon" <glengordon01 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> >  Now, it is also a fact that s-stems have alternants with
> >  stem-final /t/: *nem-os/-es- 'worship', *nem-eto-s 'holy';
> >  *lewk-ot/-es- 'daylight', and the eternally troublesome
> >  *meH1-not-/*meH1-ns- 'month' and the ptc. in *-wot-/-us-.
> >  I note that at least the last two examples seem to show an
> >  inverted "reading rule".  We have meH1not(s), Gen. meH1n(e)sos;
> >  and Skt. nom/acc. n. sg. -vat (*-wot), vs. fem. -us.i: (*-wsiH2)
> >  etc.  In other words, these look like cases of -t word-finally
> >  and -s- medially.  What to make of them?

> >"-t word-finally"?? I'm shocked that you would utter those words. How
> >does this bode for **-t > *H1?

> This is *-ts.

> >  As to *meH1- itself, it is interesting to note the variant *met-
> >  (Pokorny 2. me:-, me-t- "mow" (*H2meH1-/*H2met-) and 3. me:-,
> >  me-t- "measure", forms with *met-, like Slav. meto~ referenced
> >  there).  That looks like *metV ~ *meH1/*meH1C-.
> >
> >Why does Pokorny write it *me-t- instead of *met- and why can't we
> >consider *-t- a verbal affix or possibly two different verbs?

> We could consider it an affix if the alternation had been *me-,
> *met- (or *me:- ~ *me:t-).  But it's *me:- ~ *met-

I believe that the enclitic forms of ancient Greek me / se / he (< * me,
twe, swe) represent the original forms without any affixes. As you can
read at http://members.pgv.at/homer/indoeuro/ I consider those forms as
the original subject form of personal pronouns (the recent accusative
originally had the function of an absolute case with the ending -e for
non-gender-marked words as personal pronouns and the endings -m for
animate / -D for inanimate [cf. Latin quem / quid; heteroclita in -Cr[D] /
-Cn+ending from *-CnD / -Cn+ending]. I am assuming that the later perfect
originally had the function of a [stativic] intransitive and showed
concordance to the ending -e of the subject case of personal pronouns,
therefore: *mE / *t[w]E / *s[w]E reduplication+E -verb- h2E / t[h2]E / 0E,
cf. "primary" [transitive] reduplication+I -verb- mI / sI / tI / ntI with
concordance to locative in -I [original ergative]...

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Yours sincerely

Bibliotheksrat Mag.phil. Hans-Joachim Alscher

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