Passivity as a transition (raising dust)

Jim Rader jrader at
Wed Aug 11 10:04:32 UTC 1999

Well, my "any other Greek etymological dictionary" may have been
unwarranted sarcasm, but my point is that guessing about derivational
and etymological relationships without acknowledging the literature is
going to be a waste of your own time in a field like Greek, where
a long tradition of scholarship exists.  I'm sorry if you don't have
access to a library, but I'm afraid there's not much I can do about
that.   At any rate, I've looked at Boisacq, Hoffman, Frisk, and
Chantraine, as well as Pokorny, and the thinking is uniform.
Greek <konis> is compared with Latin <cinis>, from both of which a
base <*kenis-> on an Indo-European level may be reconstructable.
Pokorny glosses <*ken-> with "sich muehen, eifrig streben, sich
sputen," and Latin <co:nor> is compared.

Jim Rader

> In a message dated 8/8/99 1:22:04 AM, jrader at wrote:

> <<I think you've lumped together two unrelated etyma here. See the
> articles on <diakonos>, <enkoneo:>, and <konis> in Chantraine,
> _Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue grecque_ (or any other Greek
> etymological dictionary, for that matter).>>

> I don't have Chantraine, but I see in my notes:

[ moderator snip ]

> But since you seem to have access to ALL the other Greek etymological
> dictionaries, perhaps you can give us a survey?

> Regards, Steve Long

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