(was: Latin perfects and Fluent Etruscan in 30 days!) re: Sum. t

W.Behr (in Bochum today) W.Behr at em.uni-frankfurt.de
Thu Aug 12 13:08:10 UTC 1999

Dear Miguel & Damien,

if it is _tibira_ (later also_tabira_) 'metal-worker' you  are
talking about here,  I think that  Gernot Wilhelm has conclusively
shown that we are dealing with a loan from Hurritic, i.e. an
"agent-orientated resultative _-iri/e_ participle" (Wilhelm), or
"antipassive-participle", derived from the Hurr. root _tab/taw_ [w =
u+subscript arch) 'to cast (metal)'. In Hurr., this root has the
derivations _tabali_  'copper-founder' and _tabiri_ 'he, who has
cast' (Otten). For details see

G. Wilhelm, "Gedanken zur Fruehgeschichte der Hurriter und zum
hurritisch-urartaeischen Sprachvergleich", in: V. Haas ed., _Hurriter
und Hurritisch (Konstanzer Altorientalische Symosien; II, Xenia ---
Konstanzer Althistorische Forschungen und Symposien; 21): 43-68,
Lonstanz : Universitaetsverlag 1988.

Date:          Wed, 11 Aug 1999 18:37:34 +0200
From:          Damien Erwan Perrotin <114064.1241 at Compuserve.com>

[ moderator snip ]

 Wolfgang Behr, Lecturer in Chinese History and Philosophy
 Department of East Asian Studies, University of Bochum, Germany
 <wolfgang.behr at ruhr-uni-bochum.de> ~ <w.behr at em.uni-frankfurt.de>

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