St Jerome

Peter &/or Graham petegray at
Sun Feb 7 17:40:16 UTC 1999

Sheila mentions Jerome's Latin style, and names:
(a) the choice of Greeek text to translate:
>It is a pious work but dangerously presumptive to pick the one right text
>from all the possible texts,

(b) the problems of introducing new translations which are different from
those already in existence:
>cry out that I am a sacrilegious forger because I have dared to add,
>change or correct anything in the old books?

(c) the need for the stress to be on the message, not the beauty of style:
>  A translation for the Church, even if it has beauty of style, ought to
>hide and even shun it,

None of this has anything to do with the actual language.


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