
Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sun Feb 21 21:12:41 UTC 1999

fagra- > faeger "beautiful" [OE] > fair [cw]
[acc. cw <? IE *pek "pretty"]

fagin-/fagan- "to enjoy" > faegen [OE] "joyful, glad" > fain, fawn [cw]
[acc. cw <? IE *pek "pretty"]

faîte "First" [covering of a bastion] [Fr < Germanic] [tv84]

Fehde, feud [from Schmidt] [jtw, tv84]

feige, fey "cowardly" [from Schmidt] [tv84]

flask, Flasche [tv84]

Fleisch n., flesh [jtw, tv84]]

finger, Finger m. [lt]

flank, Flanke, flanc [Fr < Germanic] [tv84]

flee, fliehen [from Schmidt] [tv84]

flise, vlise "stone slab, floor-stone" [MLG] > Fliese "floor-stone, paving
[< ?Vasconic] [Vennemann considers it "weak"] [tv97]

Fock "foresail" [from Schmidt 1969] [tv84]

folk, Volk n. [jtw, rc]

frankon- "javelin, free, Frank", franc [Fr < Germanic] [rc, tv84]

Friede m. "peace" [jtw]

froc "habit [monk, nun], skirt" [Fr < Germanic] [tv84]

fronce "flounce, wrinkle?" [Fr < Germanic],
fruncir [Sp < Germanic] "to flounce, wrinkle" [tv84]
[?same as German Runzel]

fugla- > fowl, Vogel m. [cw, d, p&a, wb]
[acc. cw, "possible but unlikely" < ? IE *pleu- > *fleug-ika > *flug laz?]
[?how rel. to pullus (Latin)]

furxti:n > fryhta [OE] > fright
[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic" *puluxt-,
see Akkadian puluhtu/m] [tv97]

fyrs [OE] > furse [cw]

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