50% Span. or German, 50% Chinese

ECOLING at aol.com ECOLING at aol.com
Thu Jul 8 23:03:18 UTC 1999

Steven Schaufele: English Department
Soochow University, Waishuanghsi Campus,
Taipei 11102, Taiwan, ROC

That is a very interesting problem you describe.
Unique I think, so the problem may lie in some quirk of
the software or mailers you use, or which your university uses.
It would be best I think if you directed your request to
the managers of those mailers or of that software.

I was accustomed to receiving unintelligible nonsense,
or at least material readable with difficulty,
but that seems to be decreasing, and I believe that
precisely the continued USE of the accented European vowels
will cause the makers of software to make the necessary
corrections to their software.
(Probably, in the Taiwan case, providing a mode to
select a segment of text, and interpret it as from a
different code standard than that containing Chinese characters
using the "upper ASCII" codes (128 to 255 more or less).

My recommendation is therefore just the opposite of yours.

Lloyd Anderson
Ecological Linguistics

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