PIE vs. Proto-World (Proto-Language)

JoatSimeon at aol.com JoatSimeon at aol.com
Tue Jul 13 04:09:46 UTC 1999

In a message dated 7/12/99 9:28:59 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
proto-language at email.msn.com writes:

>I simply do not understand why some find it difficult to understand that
>reconstructing the Proto-Language is only primarily different from
>reconstructing Indo-European in the wider selection of source languages for

-- Temporal distance.  Loss of information.  Entropy.

A distinction between 5,000 years of unrecoverable loss and 50,000 years of
unrecoverable loss.

Words _vanish_.  A certain percentage of vocabulary just ceases to exist in
every century.

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