Intensive Reduplication

Patrick C. Ryan proto-language at
Tue Jun 1 09:56:52 UTC 1999

Dear Vidhyanath and IEists:

 ----- Original Message -----
From: Vidhyanath Rao <vidynath at>
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 1999 3:34 PM

> Patrick C. Ryan <proto-language at> wrote:

>> Actually, if I had to summarize my argument against the consonantal nature
>> of laryngeals in IE (except Hittite), I would say that the phenomena are
>> reconstructable in terms of lengthened vowels so the presumption is that
>> they were lengthened vowels, and the burden of proof is on those who propose
>> their consonantal nature *in IE*.

> Forms such as Skt aayunak suggest initial laryngeal, but it must disappear
> in yugam, Lat iugum . What vowel does this?

I am not knowledgeable enough about Sanskrit to really properly address your

Why not describe the form and the point you are maing in greater detail?

However, if you are suggesting that IE *yeu- should be recontructed as
*Hyeu-, I believe that unlikely.


PATRICK C. RYAN (501) 227-9947; FAX/DATA (501)312-9947 9115 W. 34th St.
Little Rock, AR 72204-4441 USA WEBPAGES: and PROTO-RELIGION: "Veit
ek, at ek hekk, vindga meipi, nftr allar nmu, geiri undapr . . . a ~eim
meipi er mangi veit hvers hann af rstum renn." (Havamal 138)

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