Yet again: syllabicity

Vidhyanath Rao vidynath at
Tue Jun 8 13:33:48 UTC 1999

Patrick C. Ryan <proto-language at>
To: <Indo-European at>

>  ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Friday, June 04, 1999 4:50 PM

I seem to have deleted the message from Leo this is in reply to. I tried to
find it in the archives at the Linguist page, but the archives seem to be

> Pat, previously:

>>> The data I think that may support this hypothesis are the different forms
>>> of the (e.g.) IE verb for momentary and durative: durative *'CeC(V) and
>>> momentary *C0'CV (Lehmann 1974:186).

I don't know if Leo made this point. If CCV- was the original
``perfective'', why is the thematic aorist so hard to reconstruct for PIE?
*(e)videt and (e)bhuget and perhaps (e)rudhet but no others. In Indic we can
see root aorists give rise to thematic ones by thematization (adars'ma gives
way to adrs'a:ma, drs'ema etc). Rix sees a similar thing happening in Greek.

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