Latin perfects and Fluent Etruscan in 30 days!

Steve Gustafson stevegus at
Tue Jun 22 03:22:12 UTC 1999

Ed Selleslagh writes:

<<May I add the following element to the data: Lat. 'amb-' ('around'), a
prepositional prefix (Greek 'amphm'), and Catalan 'amb' ('with'), probably
derived from the former.  I  think the 'b' (Grk. 'ph') is hardly a phonetic

This perhaps also has a sister in Germania: OE 'ymb(e)' and Norse 'um, om',
both of which are prepositions that have the basic meaning of "around" or
"by."  That the Greek and Latin words have an a- and the Germanic ones a u-
is something I can't think of an explanation for, though.

L'an mil neuf sens nonante neuf sept mois
Du ciel viendra grand Roy deffraieur
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois
Avant apres Mars regner par bonheur.
                                --- M. de Notre-Dame

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