Latin perfects and Fluent Etruscan in 30 days

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Tue Jun 29 16:54:17 UTC 1999

	What are the various similarities that have been postulated between
Etruscan and Anatolian languages?
	All I've seen so far are a couple of lexical items and one or two
	I know vitually nothing about Anatolian languages, so it's not like
I could spot them myself :>

	Lemnian DOES seem to be a different language from Etruscan,
although my completely subjective reaction to side-by-side comparisons of
vocabulary is that the difference is along the line of that between Spanish
and Portuguese. I am not, however, taking into account the other items for
which no comparison has been made.
	There are also some lexical items in Etruscan common to both Greek
and Latin and not all these seem to be borrowings from Greek.

	BTW: Whatever happened to the idea by Starostin et al.[and
commented on by AMR & Sheveroskin] that Etruscan might be a Caucasian

[ moderator snip ]

Rick Mc Callister
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus MS 39701

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