Update on *nekw and the N-word

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Thu Mar 4 17:34:36 UTC 1999

"Glen Gordon" <glengordon01 at hotmail.com> wrote:

>Hello, It's Glenny again,

>Now that I have the source before me... Under Allan Bomhard's
>"208. nitl[h]-/netl[h]- 'to rise, to arise; to lift, to raise; to
>move'", there is:

>IE *nek-/*nok- "to bear, to carry, to convey"
>     (I've never seen this root. Does anyone know? I can only think
>      of Latin nex and nocere - different things altogether. "To
>      convey"? Isn't that conveyed with *g^no-s(k)-?)

*nek^ => Slavic nes- etc.  (See Pokorny under *enek^-, *nek^-,
*enk^-, *nk^- "reichen, erreichen, erlangen", Grk, BS: "tragen").

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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