Greek question

Patrick C. Ryan proto-language at
Sun Mar 7 08:40:43 UTC 1999

Dear Rich and IEists:

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick C. Ryan <proto-language at>
Date: Sunday, March 07, 1999 2:27 AM

>Dear Rich and IEists:

[ moderator snip ]

>If you want me to cite individual etymologies, I will be glad to do so but
>I have collected a great number of them, illustrating this relationship, in
>my Afrasian essay at


>[ Moderator's response:
>  I want to see not only individual etymologies, I want to see an exposition
>  of the sound laws which drive them.  I want to see not only "the roots of
>  verbs" but "the forms of grammar", such that "no philologer could examine
>  them ... without believing them to be sprung from some common source."
>  --rma ]

Perhaps you did not notice the Table of Correspondences.

[ moderator snip ]

>[ Moderator's response:
>  You could assert it, but you have not proven it.  Please remember that this
>  is the Indo-European list, and that a relationship with Egyptian cannot be
>  *assumed* for your argument, but rather must be demonstrated using accepted
>  comparative methodology which addresses the standard model of Indo-European.
>  --rma ]

I have demonstrated it using accepted comparative methodology.


[ Moderator's response:
  No, I submit that you have suggested a line of inquiry at most.  You have yet
  to demonstrate it to the satisfaction of J. Random Linguist.  And your con-
  tinued assertion that your version of Proto-World is directly ancestral to
  PIE weakens your credibility greatly.
  --rma ]

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