Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sun Mar 7 18:12:04 UTC 1999

Yes, it is a compound of *harja- 'army' + *manna- 'man' AFAIK
it's from a list of Germanic [and other] non-IE words in Romance et al.
The article was in German and I may have missed something
No explanation was given

>Rick Mc Callister wrote:

>> arimanno "warrior" [It < Germanic] [tv84]

>Isn't this a compound, *harja- 'army' + *manna- 'man'?  The first at
>least doesn't seem peculiarly Germanic, to judge by the cognates given
>in Buck's dictionary.  (I don't have ready access to the Vennemann
>reference, I'm afraid, so I don't know what argument he makes.)

>Brian M. Scott

Rick Mc Callister
Columbus MS 39701
rmccalli at

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