
Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Mon Mar 8 17:31:53 UTC 1999

[ moderator re-formatted ]

>One thing is not clear to me. What is the significance of the presence
>in the list of Romance borrowings from Germanic (?all from Vennemann

[ moderator snip ]

>Max W. Wheeler <maxw at>

	I have to admit to scrounging around and using Theo Vennemann's
lists --which are just lists of words he believes to be of non-IE origin
borrowed from Germanic languages. I have not finished yet. Among other
things, I need to track down more sources and check them out with the
Oxford Dictionary. As for guV-, you're absolutely correct, but I wanted to
wait until I had the correct form of the original.

Rick Mc Callister
Columbus MS 39701
rmccalli at

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