Dating of Anatolian /nt/ vs. /nd/

iffr762 at iffr762 at
Wed Mar 17 18:10:24 UTC 1999

	The idea that /nt/ is earlier is from Kretschmer(1896) "Einleitung
in die Geschict der Griechischen Sprache".  Whether his views are based on
anything more than the observation that a change of /nt/ -> /nd/ is more
probable than the other way around I have, once again, no idea.  I am just
parroting Palmer ...
	I take this opportunity to note that the same suffix, /-nth-/,
also occurs in Pre-Greek words like
			"asaminthos"	'bathtub'
			"me:rinthos"	'thread'
			"erebinthos"	'pea'
			"olunthos"	'unripe fig'
			"Huakinthos"	'Hyacinth'

	where a meaning 'collective' seems improbable.
	It is also true that the element /parna-/ in "Parnassos", which
occurs on both sides of the Aegean, is recognized as pre-IE, so if the
first element in such words can be from a common substrate, why can't the
second element also be from a common substrate?
	But the main thing is that there is no sound-sequence in Anatolian
which we would expect to be borrowed into Greek as /-nth-/.


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